Back in March 2006 an Australian film company at the verge of bankrupcy produced “The Secret” DVD. It is based in the 1908 book by Wallace D. Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich” which introduces the Law of Attraction. The “Law of Attraction” principle posits that feelings and thoughts can attract events, from the workings of the cosmos to interactions among individuals in their physical, emotional, and professional affairs.
The Secret movie creators Rhonda Byrne, Paul Harrington, and Drew Heriot interviewed dozens of modern day teachers who know the secret on how to use the law of attraction. One of these teachers is world reknowned feng shui master Marie Diamond.
When Oprah decided to promote The Secret DVD, book, and CD, countless publications from all The Secret authors have been made available to the masses.
The truth is, most of the teachers featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show immediately published new books, created new products, and filled seminar seats for years to come. This while another one of their film’s contributors, Marie Diamond, was helping celebrities like Mick Jagger, Chaka Khan, and Paula Abdul correctly apply the law of attraction in their homes and offices.
Diamond’s amazing book, “The Very Simple Law of Attraction: Find Out What You Really Want from Life … and Get It!” is a short read you will surely enjoy.
You will discover what the other “secret teachers” are not telling you about the law of attraction and how to apply it. Did you know there are 3 levels of the law of attraction? Most coaches and seminar speakers out there are only talking about one of them. When you understand how the laws of the universe really work then Marie will introduce you to your personal energy number. This number is unique to you and is the key to attracting everything you ever wanted in life.
This feng shui grand master will have you spellbound with her personal life stories which introduce you to every single facet of her ancient philosophy. Once you uncover the real secrets The Secret movie creators used to make their film a success, you will live in another reality. People will ask you: “What do you do different?” Then you will truly be able to answer: “I use The Secret”.
To check out this fascinating book on Amazon visit: Check out The Law Of Attraction Book