Category: Law

Employment Law Emergency Where Do You Turn When It All Goes Wrong

The sad fact about solicitors is that you generally only approach them when something in life is worrying you. Of course, there are occasions when people consult lawyers in order to start an exciting new business or to arrange the conveyancing for their dream home, but a lot of people only find themselves in the company of solicitors when they are experiencing some kind of hardship. This is particularly true in the field of employment law, with over 186,000 claims having been accepted by the Employment Tribunal in April 2011 to March 2012 alone (Employment Tribunals and EAT Statistics, 2011-12 [2012-2013 figures were not available at the time of writing]). Due to the rapidly-evolving nature of employment legislation, if you find yourself in the position of needing expert advice on a difficult employment situation, the first people to whom you should turn are employment law solicitors in London or your local area.

The role of the employment solicitor is to advise you on the validity of your claim and, if they are confident that your case has merit, to help you in seeking remedy, whether that is a financial award such as compensation or the rare award of reinstatement and re-engagement. Although you may be apprehensive about approaching employment law solicitors in London or your local area, for fear that they will mislead you about the legality of your case in a bid to proceed with the matter and charge you for their services, a legal adviser who brings an unsubstantiated case may be penalised for wasting the time of the tribunal and other parties. Therefore, you can be confident that a recommendation to proceed is genuine and that your case will not be thrown out at the first sifting of applications.

Before presenting your claim to the tribunal for their judgment, employment law solicitors in London and across the UK may also help you to avoid a hearing through the use of mediation and by negotiating a settlement on your behalf. While you may attempt to finalise a compromise agreement by yourself, your employer (or former employer) is likely to have a greater knowledge of employment law than its staff and may manipulate them with this information. Instructing employment law solicitors in London or elsewhere can provide a counterbalance to this tactic and ensure that you are not bullied or browbeaten by the company’s authority.

Family Law Case Updater

Change in Circumstances

The uncontroverted evidence was such that the child support order should have been reduced or modified to reflect respondent’s financial resources which at best could have been described as limited. In order to justify a decrease in child support payments, the moving party is required to show a significant material change in the circumstances and conditions of the divorced parents since the entry of the original divorce decree. In order to justify a decrease in child support payments, the moving party is required to show a significant material change in the circumstances and conditions of the divorced parents since the entry of the original divorce decree. The issue before the trial court on a motion to modify child support payments was whether the circumstances of the parties and the children had materially changed since the divorce decree, and only if that were so would a modification of the child support be proper. In all cases where petitions to modify payments under a divorce decree are involved, the primary question is whether or not changes in circumstances of the parties justify the modification. In an application for modification or termination of support, the only inquiry should be whether sufficient cause has intervened since the entry of the decree to authorize the court to change the allowance.

Child Support

Child support provisions in a dissolution agreement adopted by the trial court are void, in excess of the court’s jurisdiction, if the trial court could not order those provisions in the absence of the agreement.

Life Insurance

In a divorce case, where there was no reason to believe that the husband, or his estate, would not be able to provide the mandated child support, the trial court’s decision not to require the husband to maintain a life insurance policy naming his children as the irrevocable beneficiaries was not against the manifest weight of the evidence.

Consent Decrees

The statutory power of a court to reduce the amount of periodic payments, whether by way of alimony or child support, is not defeated by the fixing of the amount of the payments in a settlement agreement which was incorporated in the decree.

Continuing Jurisdiction

Regardless of the presence ort absence of any language limiting modification of contract terms, provisions relating to the support of minor children are always modifiable. A court is concerned with the adequacy of a child support award when made; the wife can always petition for an increase in the future.


While defendant was under no legal obligation to leave his estate or any part of it to the children and his obligation to do so was created by contract and only by the contract, the contract could not be altered without his consent and the court was without authority to modify it or to enter a decree contrary to it.

Is the Law of Attraction the Shortcut to Success

A lot of people are aspiring to be successful in life and they want to do it fast. One of the things that people turn their heads to is the amazing promise of the Law of Attraction. Yes, the Law of Attraction can give you anything and everything you want but it must not be regarded as the fastest route to success.

Learning the principles of the Law of Attraction requires work, dedication, focus, and time. These principles must be practiced rigorously to ensure that you are getting what you want with the help of the Law of Attraction.

What Kind of Work is Required?

When you use the Law of Attraction, you wont have to work that hard, but you will have to exert some effort. I know a lot of people have the idea that to be successful or to be wealthy, you must work really hard.

Well, that may be right. Many people have become successful because they worked really hard for it. But when you consciously use the Law of Attraction there is only one thing you have to do, and it doesnt require too much effort or hard work; and that is to think.

According to Mahatma Gandhi, “A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.” The moment you think of what you want, you are already attracting it to you. You might say, “Ive always thought of what I want but I never get it.”

You see, there is a big difference between wanting and having. If you keep on thinking about wanting this or wanting that, you are just going to attract more wanting into your life because wanting is what you thought of most of the time.

You have or become what you think about most of the time. When you think of what you want as already a part of your reality, that is when magic happens. This kind of expectation is the best way to attract what you want into your life.

The Law of Attraction Requires Action

If you are successful at attracting success into your life, the universe will present people, events and situations to give that big break to you. You must be aware of it whenever this happens. I remember the story of the reverend who drowned in the flood.

A lot of people who were trying to rescue him came to his aid. They were in rafts, in boats, even in a helicopter. But to all of them his answer was “God will save me.” In the end he drowned. So when he was already at heaven, he asked why was he not saved. The answer he got was “Idiot, we sent you rafts, boats, and a helicopter!”

Have a great sense of awareness of the things that are happening around you. Who knows, that invitation to an event, or that good deed that is waiting for you to take action, might be the boat that the universe sent to save you.

The Law of Attraction is not necessarily the shortcut to success for it requires your burning desire, your self-belief, and your thoughts (which is the most important by the way) for it to give you anything and everything you want in life.

Grasping the Possibilities and the Law of Attraction

Happiness, prosperity, and abundance these things you can easily have using the Law of Attraction. Some people might disagree because not everyone is a believer of the Law of Attraction. But most of the time and this has been proven, those who believe get the most out of life.

A lot of wealthy and successful people have attained their success using the Law of Attraction. What they have attained is also a possibility for you.

What Your Mind can Conceive and Believe, It can Achieve

If you would conceive and believe that happiness, prosperity, and abundance are things that you are capable of having, then nothing can stop you from having them. You create your own reality and you are the master of your own universe.

Believe in yourself and in the possibility that you can, be, do or have anything and everything you desire. Self-belief is one of the primary attributes that one must have in order to manifest their desires at will.

Imagine your mind as a magnet, and whatever you think of and focus on, you attract it just like how magnet attracts steel. Most of the time you only get in return what you put out.

If you are putting out sadness, you get it back. If you are putting out happiness, the feeling of being content, or just plainly the feeling of being at peace with yourself, you get that in return as well.

It Doesnt Matter Where You are From

When using the Law of Attraction, it almost does not matter where you are now or what your social standing is. Because from there, you can either choose to become lesser, or greater. If you want to have less, then go ahead and think of what you lack.

But if you want to become something great, tell that to the universe. Being great is not something that only a handful of people in this world could attain. It is something that each and everyone of us is entitled to achieve.

Confucius had said that “He who says he can, and he who says he cant, are both usually right.” So what stops you from believing? There is no reason not to believe that you have the capability of having what you want.

Other people have done it, other folks are doing it, now is the time for you to start believing that what you desire, however small or big that is, you have the power to manifest it into your reality.

Nothing is Unrealistic

If the Wright brothers had believed that throwing a piece of metal could never make you cross the ocean, they would have not invented the plane that had been the prototype of the jumbo jets that we use today.

You have to believe that something different from what has happened, in the previous years of your life, can happen. You have to be willing to accept change because it is you who are going to make that change.

Never let anyone tell you that you cant do something. They are blatantly wrong. You create your own reality, you define all the possibilities, and thats all that should matter.

Happiness, prosperity, and abundance are just a thought away if you believe in the Law of Attraction.

Law Of Attraction – Winning Lottery Or Any Goal

A few days ago I received an interesting email — which can be applied to ANY goal even though the person was referring to the lottery. Here’s the message:

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——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Problem with law of attraction and Lotteries
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 19:47:32 -0300

I have read your interesting article “Millionaire mind: Win the Lottery – Luck or law of attraction?”

But sorry, I have found a problem with Law Of Attraction and Lotteries.

Imagine two guys: Paul and James who love to play in lotteries. Imagine there is an equipment called “Belief-meter” that shows the belief intensity in a scale 0~100. When applied to Paul and James the Belief-meter shows 100 to both guys. So, they have total, complete and absolute belief they will win in lottery.

Now these two guys will play in a lottery 5/50. But Paul chose the numbers 1-2-3-4-5 and James chose 46-47-48-49-50. Of course, the law of attraction will FAIL for one of these guys, since they chose different numbers, although they have total, complete and absolute belief they win in lottery.

How can you explain this situation?

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The answer you will be reading here applies to ANY goal — not only to winning the lottery. So, you’d better read carefully and absorb what you are reading.

The truth is that the law of attraction will NOT fail, but the Law of Attraction may make BOTH guys fail — NOT just only one of them!!!

Let’s start by saying that playing the Lottery is just another investment — just like investing in the stock market, real estate, commodities. The Universe doesn’t make any difference. The difference is only in your own mind. And lots MORE people lose EVERYTHING in the stock market, real estate and commodities than in the lottery. (Refer to our free Course on the lottery)

Too many gurus and experts out there keep saying that the Law of Attraction works for everything. But, they will give you all sorts of reasons why it doesn’t apply to the lottery.

Why not? If the Law of Attraction does not work for the lottery, then we have an exception. And then we may ask “How many more exceptions are there?”.

The REAL name of the “commercial” Law of Attraction is the LAW of BELIEF. The Law of Belief is the Law of Life.

And there are NO exceptions to this Law.

The Law is unbiased, impersonal, unforgiving with anyone who does not follow it. If you do not follow the Law you are doomed.

I want to remind you of the motion picture “Les Miserables”. For me, the best version is the one played by Richard Jordan (in the role of Jean Valiean) and Anthony Perkins (as Inspector Javert).

For Inspector Javert, there is no compassion, no mercy. ONLY the LAW!

The Universe operates in a similar way. If you do not obey the LAW, you are doomed — There is ONLY THE LAW!

So, you’d better learn about the LAW now!

The BEST way to deal with the Law of Belief (also known as the Law of Attraction) is to understand once and for all that those famous vibrations the gurus and experts are talking about are CAUSED by the BELIEFS and VALUES you hold at the Subconscious level.

Take care of those beliefs and values, and you will automatically generate the CORRECT ‘high’ vibrations that are exactly what you need to attract the results you desire.

WHY is it that they don’t teach you that? Either they are ignorant of the real LAW and how it works . . . or business is REAL GREAT for them!

There is absolutely NO NEED for you to become OBSESSED with your vibrations as these gurus and experts command you to do — while they keep SELLING more and more Law of Attraction books, DVDs, and paraphernalia. Great for THEIR business, BAD for YOU! (Refer to many of my previous articles about how the Law of Belief operates)

The super rich and super successful people do not go around OBSESSING about the BAD vibrations. They simply get busy ZAPPING from their minds the limiting, conflicting beliefs and values, and replacing them with beliefs/values that are supportive of their goals. They know that by doing that, the ‘vibrations’ will take care of themselves automatically without them becoming OBSESSED — which is the opposite of what most of the gurus and experts tell you to do!

After this enthusiastic but ACCURATE introduction, let’s answer the question in the email above.

It is 100% possible that both Paul and James believe 100% that each will win.

In fact, the human Belief-O-Meter may confirm that each one believes 100%. (Refer to one of my previous articles on how to make your own Belief-O-Meter).

But . . . and here is the BIG catch . . . the human Belief-O-Meter ONLY measures the magnitude of the belief about winning the lottery (25%, 50%, 77%, 93%, 100%).

The human Belief-O-Meter does NOT indicate that there might just be some HIDDEN and CONFLICTING BELIEF and/or VALUE that will make totally USELESS the 100% belief in winning the lottery.

I will give you a few examples.

Example 1:

What if Paul believes 100% he will win the jackpot but, hidden deep in his Subconscious, he has the religious belief that “Rich people never go to heaven”? And he wants to go to heaven. This hidden belief will neutralize the 100% belief in winning the lottery. Paul may not know of this hidden conflict. But the Subconscious does and it will make certain Paul will not win!


Or maybe Paul believes that “Rich people are dishonest” and one of Paul’s highest VALUES is “honesty”. If he wins and becomes rich, he will become dishonest. And he will AVOID that at all cost because his subconscious mind will not allow him to go against his deep held VALUE of ‘honesty’. Therefore, his 100% belief in winning the lottery is in CONFLICT with a deep VALUE. He will NOT win! (or if he wins, he will very quickly lose all the money).

Example 3:

What if Paul has this VALUE that “It is better to give than to receive”? People with those USELESS values never receive anything, except problems. In Paul’s case, his Subconscious will NOT allow him to win because it would be in CONFLICT with Paul’s VALUE that receiving is NOT a good as giving. Does this remind you of those persons you may know who are always giving and helping others but who hardly receive anything in return? (Remember, the Universe doesn’t give a hoot because you did not obey the LAW of Belief which requires that you eliminate all conflicting values!).

Example 4:

What if James had this BELIEF that “We cannot afford it” because he heard his parents saying it over an over again while growing up? That belief is still in his Subconscious. It was never eliminated and replaced by “Yes, I can afford anything I want”. Now, if James were to win the jackpot in the lottery he will be able to afford anything! And that is something the Subconscious cannot allow because it is in conflict with James’s current belief “I cannot afford it”.
And as long as James keeps holding that limiting belief, he is doomed to failure.

Example 5

What if a long time ago, when James was a 4-5 year old kid, his mother got very upset with him and even punished him for placing a coin in his mouth while she yelled at him “Money is dirty!”?

Now, many years later, subconsciously, he will avoid money because ‘money is dirty” and he doesn’t want to be/get dirty! Again, a very limiting and forgotten experience created a belief that is in conflict with having money. James forgot all about that incident and what his mother said. But his Subconscious did NOT and will not allow him to win money because that would make him dirty. Actually,James will have all kinds of problems making ANY money because of that hidden belief.

Example 6:

What if Paul believes 100% he will win the jackpot but, hidden deep in his Subconscious, he has the belief that “It is real hard for me to make money”? This hidden belief will neutralize the 100% belief in winning the lottery. Why? Because to win the lottery the only EXTERNAL ACTION need is to BUY a lottery ticket. And that is TOO EASY! Paul may not know of this hidden conflict. But his Subconscious mind does and will make certain Paul will not win because it will be TOO EASY!

And this conflict will be increased even MORE if Paul happens to also believe that “making money through HARD work and by overcoming tremendous difficulties has LOTS of merit and easy money has NONE!”

(We all have heard the GREAT VALUE of working real hard, being defeated many times, UNTIL finally one wins against all odds! — propagated throughout history over and over again until TOTALLY hypnotizing the human race with the terribly LIMITING, USELESS and FALSE belief that ‘making money and achieving goals has only MERIT if done the HARD way and it is the ONLY way one can do it!”.)

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I believe you can easily come up with more examples of your own.

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The point I want you to understand is that MOST gurus and experts only talk about regular beliefs. And they SELDOM, if ever, teach you that you MUST start by FIRST identifying/eliminating limiting. conflicting BELIEFS and VALUES, and then, replace them with useful, supportive ones. We do teach you that and place GREAT emphasis on the fact that doing it is absolutely CRUCIAL to your success.

And ONLY Anthony Robbins and our Courses talk about the CRITICAL importance of VALUES and how to get rid of any conflicting values and replace them with the ones that will help you achieve your goals — and NOT block them.

Read carefully because the following not only applies to the lottery but to ANY goal, in ANY area of ,your life:

A — You can have a deep belief and certainty in getting your goal, but IF you have another hidden limiting BELIEF that is in CONFLICT with that goal, that ONE limiting belief will neutralize your 100% belief in achieving your goal and BLOCK your way — until that limiting belief is identified, eliminated and replaced by a useful, supportive belief.

B — You can have a deep belief and certainty in getting your goal, but IF you have another hidden limiting VALUE that is in CONFLICT with that goal, that ONE limiting value will neutralize your 100% belief in achieving your goal and BLOCK your way — until that limiting value is identified, eliminated and replaced by a useful, supportive value.

That’s is one of the most common reasons why — NOT only in the Lottery — MOST people do NOT get what they want. They work on believing 100% that they will get what they want, They can get 100% in the human Belief-O-Meter,
BUT . . . they IGNORE or WERE NEVER TAUGHT that they must also work on a different type of belies: VALUES.

*** Note: Value can be dealt with as an emotional ‘state’ (as in NLP) or as a different type of belief (the belief that something as little or a lot of ‘desirability’). Or as BOTH a belief and an emotional ‘state’.

One more time . . . . . .

The human Belief-O-Meter will ONLY indicate how much (50%,10%, 75%, 85%, 100%) you believe that you will win the lottery (or achieve ANY goal, in ANY area). . It does not say to you (and your Subconscious will not tell you either on its own initiative):

“John, Robert, Mary, etc., YOU have this conflicting VALUE that “money is evi”l, or that “rich people do not go to heaven”, or that “rich people are dishonest”, that “there are other things more important than money”. Therefore, as long as you continue holding any one of these conflicting VALUES, you cannot win”. OR . . .

“John, Robert, Mary, etc., YOU have this conflicting, limiting BELIEF that “Money is dirty”, “You cannot afford it”, or that “It is very hard for you to make money”. Therefore, as long as you continue holding any or all of these limiting beliefs you cannot win”.

In this case, it is NOT the belief in winning the lottery that is the problem. The problem is that one BELIEF (about winning) is in total CONFLICT with a hidden VALUE and/or another hidden BELIEF,

That is WHY we teach that you must not only identify/eliminate limiting, useless beliefs and replace them with beliefs that are NOT in conflict with your goals. You must ALSO identify/ eliminate the hidden CONFLICTING values and replace then with VALUES that are in perfect harmony with your other beliefs and goals.

There are many people who are absolutely certain they will achieve a certain goal. And, SOMEHOW, they always come up short.

The answer: their absolute belief and certainty have found ANOTHER hidden, conflicting belief and/or value which totally neutralize(s) their belief in total victory!

So, the question for you is:

A — Do you know what your BELIEFS are regarding your goal (be it winning the lottery or ANY other goal)? Do you know which BELIEFS are in CONFLICT with the goal(s) you want to achieve? If you do not know what your beliefs are and what conflict they can produce in your life, you will have lots of difficulty getting what you want.

B — Do you know what your VALUES are? Do you know in what order (sequence) they are? Do you know which VALUES are in CONFLICT with the goal(s) you want to achieve? If you do not know what your values are and what conflict they can produce in your life, you will have lots of difficulty getting what you want.

Now, you know what MOST gurus and experts do NOT know or, for some MYSTERIOUS reasons, FAIL to teach you about.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS KNOWLEDGE and straighten out your beliefs and values. Once you achieve that, your vibrations will automatically take care of themselves.


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Law Firms The Success Is In Your Hands

India, as a nation has a legendary diversity to boast of. However, it is this diversity that has lead us to have some of the complex laws in the world. The laws here have to cater to the people of several religions and social stratus. This has resulted in us having innumerable law firms in India. With the extensive competition, how is it possible for a law firm to survive, let alone succeed? The success of the law firm lies in their hands.

The first step towards the success of any business should be bettering their customer services. When a person approaches an advocate, it is clear that they are facing some sort of legal trouble. The law firm should be dedicated to the cause of getting the client out of all trouble and that too as soon as possible. There is no denying the fact that the legal processes in India are slow. It might even take years for a case to reach judgment. This is the biggest cause of peoples distrust for lawyers. But as a lawyer, you have to make sure that you help your client without wasting too much of their time and money.

Another thing that a law firm needs to inculcate if they are aiming to be among the top firms in India is to constantly increase their knowledge base. A clever workman always keeps his tools sharp. Just as the men working in factories keep polishing and servicing machinery, for a lawyer, it is necessary to keep bettering hi skills. In something as vast as law, no amount of knowledge is ever enough. There is no end to the number of case studies that are available for a lawyer to read. To be counted among the best lawyers in India, the advocate has to work hard and for long. The lawyer should be confident enough to take up any kind of case and work on it successfully.

Having associate lawyers in the firm is another way of increasing the overall talent base of the law firm. An associate lawyer, though not fully a part of the law firm, can be used as asset. Having a successful lawyer as an associate in a firm can increase the value of the firm manifold. Employing these things and taking care of the small issues can greatly increase the chances of a law firm being a big success.

Shah Peerally Law Group The Complete Review

Shah Peerally Law Group does not require an introduction. If anyone is seeking help in immigration, Shah Peerally Law Group is the place, they must go at first. When it comes to selecting an immigration law group, the obvious choice is this law firm. It has well experienced group of attorney members who are capable of dealing any kind of immigration issues.

If any patron is having any doubt about them, they can definitely read Shah Peerally Law group reviews, which are all easily obtainable online. People from around the world, who partnered with Shah Peerally Law group, had just good things to say about the firm. Shah Peerally reviews are a great source to knowhow this Law Group can help you get out of any such inconvenient situation. With the help of those reviews, one can easily know that the step they are about to take will surely get them the anticipated result.

Peerally Law Group has an experience of five years. Today, they are dealing with almost every genre of immigration issues. They came to the United States immigration law in the year 2005. Located in the center of San Francisco Bay area, this law group caters to the demands of clients countrywide. Two partners Hasan Abdullah and Shah Peerally own Shah Peerally Law Group.

Shah Peerally who is a co-owner of Peerally Law Group grew up in the colonial island of Mauritius. He was always ambitious of becoming an attorney and roped in great efforts to become an attorney. After gaining sufficient amount of experience from big corporations in Mauritius, Shah Peerally moved to U.S where he attained Doctorate degree from San Francisco, California and consequently got access to the California state bar.

Hasan Abdullah another partner of Peerally Law Group was born in Toronto, Canada. For over a decade, he has been living in U.S. He attained his Doctorate law degree from Santa Clara University School. Since 2008, he holds membership in AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association).

Shah Peerally started his own immigration firm after gaining tremendous amount of experience while working under an immigration law. Since inception, Shah Peerally Law Group offered versatile immigration services.

Peerally Law Group offers immigration services to individuals including political refugees in getting immigration of U.S, family member application of green card and those looking unacceptability waivers. They also help workers of fortune 500 companies in getting work visa. This law group also helps in getting labor certifications and employment visa.

The success story of Shah Peerally Law Group is quite long and it is favorable for the people interested to hire them to read as many Shah Peerally Reviews as possible. Peerally Law reviews would help to erase all doubts, which one might have in mind, thus helping everyone build confidence in their work, even before hiring them.

An Insight on Types of Law Firms Operating in Thailand

There are a variety of law firms along with other organizations providing legal services in Thailand. It’s significant for foreigners to understand these different types of law firms in Thailand in order to choose the appropriate legal service to accomplish his / her aims and to reduce the possible hazards of pursuing legal action in Thailand.

Below mentioned are the types of law firms operating in Thailand:

International Law Firms

There are several law firms in Thailand that are either indirectly or directly affiliated with some big multinational law firm. These firms normally help multinational corporations that have substantial overseas legal issues or provide support on transnational cases that involve one of their branches. These firms generally do not look out for new clients because they already have an existing clientele through their own offices located in various countries.

Local Law Firms

Local law firms are expert in handling local litigation and are more effective in managing cases that fall within the Thai jurisdiction. Most of the law firms operating in Thailand are local law firms. They generally serve Thai individuals and organizations. Consequently, these local law firms do not seek business from the foreigners. They generally don’t have fluent English speaking staff. Although they may be quite skilled in Thai legal issues, they may be unfamiliar with the issues which are important to foreigners residing, working, or conducting business in Thailand.

Thai Law Firms with Foreign Partners or Supervisors

A number of Thai law firms have a foreign partner or associate who acts as a liaison between foreign customers and the local attorneys. These firms may be useful for foreigners who can only communicate in English. These organizations usually specialize in problems important to foreigners (both individuals and businesses) in Thailand.

Pseudo Law Firms

Apart from traditional law firms, there are several less costly options often known as “pseudo law firms” or “legal service providers”. These firms don’t normally fall under the category of “law firms” and are generally operated by Thais or foreigners who may not be lawyers.

Typically, pseudo law companies can be distinguished from conventional law firms by the fact that the person supervising the firm is a non-attorney. Nevertheless, the supervisors of such law firms can sometimes misrepresent themselves as certified lawyers. These organizations may also operate other businesses in addition to providing legal services, including virtual office leasing, business brokerage, mail order brides services, or website designing just to name a few. In certain extreme cases, pseudo law companies may have a staff of foreigners who are working illegally in Thailand.

Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Law Firm

Is the man that will represent you a licensed attorney?

If your principal contact is a non-Thai, is that man a licensed attorney in his home country?

Is the man you will be contacting fluent in both Thai and English?

Does the law firm have legal counsel as their principal business, or do they engage in other business deals that are unrelated to law including mail order bride services or business brokerage?

Does the lawyer make unreasonable and unsubstantiated claims? Or do they provide proof of their qualifications to serve you?

How long has the firm been established? (As a principle, a law firm with at least five years of experience is much more likely to remain in the business than other shorter establishments)

The Law Of Attraction & An Inspirational Story Of Gratitude

I was sent this story as a PowerPoint presentation today by a friend. I thought that it was wonderful and I needed to share it with all of you. .

Two men both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the rooms only window.
The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon, when the man in the bed could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roomate all the things he could see outside of the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and colour of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst folwers of every colour and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his minds eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days, weeks and months passed.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As son as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn and look out the window beside the bed.

It faced a brick wall.

The man asked the nurse what would have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all things you have that money cant buy. Today is a gift that is why it is called The Present

There are so many points for you to take from this story:

We are all so busy trying to make it in life that we often miss how grateful we should be for the smaller things in life, like, having someone to talk to or someone to share our day with.
What a wonderful thing it is to make someone elses day a little brighter, no matter what is going on in yours. If you take on this attitude then you will attract more of the same into your life. It really is a win-win situation.
The power of visualisation to change our lives completely. You can take yourself to a different place, where life may be as you want it. You can take yourself to a place where you are feeling different emotions. It shows that through visualisation you have the power to create a different life for yourself. If you want something different in your life and you want it immediately then visualise yourself having it.
Today is a gift that is why it is called The Present. You want to be visualising your future goals, but dont forget to live in the present, in the moment. Be grateful for all you have and enjoy the time you have right now. It is said that a year in the future is closer to you than 10 minutes ago because you can never go back to that time, only forward.
Grasp life with both hands. Be grateful for everything you have right now, big or small. Use visualisations to picture what your future will be.

I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did.

Real-Life Example of Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest what you Want

The Law of Attraction basically states that our thoughts and corresponding feelings create, or call into existence, our life experiences. Now, I understand how such an idea may seem outright ridiculous to some; however, as someone who has observed the manifestation of my own thoughts on many occassions, I personally recognize the “law” to be true. I would like to provide a single example here.

It was the spring of 2003 and I had booked a camping trip in Maine for the summer. My plans, unfortunately, were to go by myself since all my friends were married with kids, I was not in a relationship at the time and my sister, even though she wanted to come, couldn’t come because she couldn’t get time off from work and she didn’t have any money. Around the same time, my sister called me and told me she had been offered a job for a significant amount more money than she was making. She was so excited; and I was so excited for her. Finally, she could be making the money she needed to move out of our parents’ house with her daughter and really start her own life. I truly was happy for her. However, she wasn’t completely sure what she wanted to do because the position was not in the medical field, which she loved. Her plans, just prior to receiving the offer, were to go back to school for radiology.

After some discussions, she decided that she would take the job offer because of the money even though her heart was set on going back to school. Her thought was to take the job so that she could make the money she needed to pay of her debts and then, in time, go back to school. So, she accepted the position and gave notice to her employers; she was working as a medical assistant during the day and as a bartender at night. However, a few days later she received news from her “new employer” that they had offered the job to someone else. Needless to say, my sister was devastated and I was furious. It turns out that they offered the job to someone else in order to “repay” a favor.

After speaking with a lawyer, my sister informed me that there was nothing she could do; the company was supposedly in their legal right to offer the position to someone else. Obviously, that didn’t bring any comfort to my sister, or to myself for that matter; I was still livid. However, I told her not to worry and said that at least now she knows she should go back to school.

After a few days passed, my sister called me to tell me that the owner of the company that had recinded the offer wished to speak with her. He told her that he felt horrible about what had transpired. I told her to go see what he had to say. After the meeting, my sister called me to tell me that he felt horrible, apologized profusely and gave her $2,000 to help her. He also informed her that the company would be sending her another $2,000 check in the mail.

So, let’s take a look at exactly how the Law of Attraction brought both me and my sister what we wanted. First, I was scheduled to go on vacation by myself even though I really wanted someone to join me. Second, my sister was broke, wanted to go on vacation with me but couldn’t for reasons described previously and really wanted to go back to school to become a radiologist. Through the events described above, my sister ended up receiving more money in a week than she would have made in about 2 months working for her previous employers, she now had the time, and the money, to go on vacation with me and she was going back to school in September, which she was really excited about. As for myself, I got to go on vacation with my sister and my niece. For the record, we all had a really nice time.