Category: Law

A Company Law Jargon Buster

Company law is full of confusing terms, and if you don’t know what they mean then settung up a company can start to look far more scary than it really should be. Read through this jargon buster and you should find it much easier to understand what starting up is all about.

Capital. This is money that is going to be invested in a business. Example: ‘I am starting my business with $5,000 capital, $2,000 of which is my own’.

Contract. When you sign a legal document, you are entering into a contract. Starting a business lets you sign and enter into contracts on behalf of the business — the contract will be between the other person and your company, not you.

Director. The people ultimately in charge of a company are its directors. For a large company, there will be a boards of directors, appointed by the shareholders. For a home business, though, you can appoint yourself as the sole director since you are also the sole shareholder (see ‘shareholder’).

Incorporation. This is the formal name for the process of starting a company. Example: ‘My business was incorporated in March 2000’.

Insolvency. When a company cannot afford to pay its debts. The type of company you have set up will affect what happens in this situation — you may be liable for all of the debt yourself, or for none.

Limited liability. A limited liability company is one where you agree beforehand how much responsibility you will take if anything goes wrong. This protects you from being destroyed financially if something bad happens to your business.

Office. Your company’s ‘office’ isn’t just a place with computers — it’s also a legal concept, meaning where your company is based. Your company must have a registered office, which means that you can’t start a company unless you have an address which would be legal to use for this purpose.

Private. A home business will be private, which means that members of the public cannot invest by buying shares. This does not stop individuals from buying percentages of your company if you are willing to sell, though. Starting your company as a private one also doesn’t stop you from converting it to a public one later on.

Proxy. Someone who acts as a proxy for you acts on your behalf — you have given them the legal right to speak for you. For example, if you get a lawyer to handle the incorporation of your company, they will be incorporating it for you by proxy.

Shareholders. The shareholders are the people who own the company. In your company, you will be the only shareholder (and so own 100% of your business), unless you’ve made a deal with someone else for them to own a share.


When you’re dealing with law, the amount of Latin involved can be confusing. Here are some Latin terms you might come across when you’re setting up your company.

Bona fide: ‘in good faith’. This is used to mean that someone says they are telling the truth.

De facto: ‘in fact’. Used when something has happened that makes the ‘real’ situation take precedence from the legal one.

De jure: ‘in law’. The opposite of de facto.

Ex gratia, ‘out of grace’. When something will be done for no fee.

Prima facie, ‘at first sight’. Something that seems true but is wrong.

Quid pro quo, ‘something for something’. When a fee will be charged for a service (or services will be exchanged).

Be Careful with Jargon.

However much jargon you might begin to encounter as you start your business, don’t start to use it yourself. It will make it so that only ‘insiders’ will understand what you mean, and everyone else will feel either a little silly or a little annoyed. By the same token, if you’re speaking to someone (your accountant, for example) and they use some jargon you don’t understand, there’s nothing wrong with asking them to explain what they mean — it’s their fault for using an overly technical word, not yours for not knowing it.

If you’re not sure, there’s a simple rule: jargon is for communicating very specific, technical meanings. It shouldn’t be used to replace everyday language, as it does nothing but cause confusion.

Tips for Choosing Criminal Law Solicitors

Sometimes you find yourself needing criminal law solicitors because of something you did, and sometimes you need them because of something someone else did. But no matter what the reason for needing a criminal law solicitor, there’s no reason to be hasty about which solicitor you choose. It’s important to take your time and secure the right representation so that your case has the greatest likelihood of turning out in your favour.
6 Tips to Help You in Choosing Criminal Law Solicitors

Recommendations and Reviews
Start by asking for recommendations from people you know and trust. There is no better place to start because you can trust the advice they give you. Anyone who has worked with a criminal law solicitor and had a good experience will be more than happy to tell you about it.

Set up appointments with about two or three different solicitors so that you can meet them and explain what you need. They may be able to give you some ideas about what they would do to help you get out of the sticky situation you have landed in.

Solicitor’s Experience
You should also ask about each solicitor’s experience. Someone with years of experience obviously would be better representation than someone who is just out of law school. There is simply no substitute for raw experience, so try to find a solicitor who has courtroom experience as well because trying a case in a courtroom is different than other types of cases.

Also spend some time thinking about the kind of qualities that are important to you. You must be able to connect with the solicitor. If you can’t, then there is probably someone else who would do a better job. If you can’t make a connection, then the case will just be that much more difficult. This is also the time to decide whether the qualities you are looking for are more important than experience. Just prioritise the qualities you want and try to find a solicitor who meets as many of those qualities as you can find.

Management Positions
Find out about any awards or management positions the solicitors have held in their recent past. You can get an idea about what his or her colleagues think about them from this information. Also it’s a good idea to check and see which law organisations they belong to.

Try to find out how many cases the solicitor is working on at that time. It is recommended that lawyers handle not more than 100 cases at one time. If the solicitor is covering too many cases, then he or she will have less time to work on your case, so it’s important to try to get a gauge for how many cases they have at the moment.

Hiring criminal law solicitors is an important part of the process of fixing your problems. This isn’t the time to let just anyone handle your case. You should be vigilant when choosing a solicitor to represent you in such a serious situation.

Jgls – The Best Place To Study Law In India

No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time. ” Emma Goldman in her book Anarchism and other essays define law as statutory but stationary.

No doubt, the study of law is amongst the most tedious yet coveted courses in India asserted by the fact; we have the world”s largest constitution. The national law school is the first preference of the students who wish to study law in India. We have seen great lawyers in the country and witnessed a long list of lawyers turning into politicos. Youngsters from across the country look forward to get best practical knowledge while he/she study law in India, because court room is entirely different from the books that one needs to mug up before being called a proficient and efficient lawyer. In India, to attract employers’ attention, national law schools are throwing out decades of tradition by replacing textbook courses with classes that teach more practical skills.

What makes the study of law in India a renowned and prosperous avenue for students? Answer might be many but a few personalities in Indian judiciary never fail to impress and fascinate students to learn and follow the prodigy of these great lawyers of our country. The first that comes in the countdown of great lawyers is Mr. Nariman, better known as the wise man of the Bar. His stature allows him to be blunt in court. He lets his displeasure be known when a judge fails to understand a point “” “No, no, that’s not what I mean.”Nariman, 81, has aged yet bold and skeptical about everything he doesn”t sympathizes to. His voice has turned metallic over the years, but it still booms in the biggest courtroom of all “” the chief justice of India”s, with its 40-feet high ceiling.

Another personality that makes it look really is Sorabjee. He loves to be referred to as the former Attorney General, for it brought him great glory. As AG, he successfully defended India against Pakistan in the Atlantique downing case in an international court. The study of law in India is not easy but these gentlemen”s make a daunting note of that and make the youngsters believe if you can go through the avid books and all the court room sessions a blissful life awaits you.

These individuals in some part of their lives have been a part of best law institutes in the India i.e national law school. This makes it evident that study law in India and that too in these institutes might not be easy but it”s the quality education in these institutes that transforms an individual into a successful legal instructor or lawyer.

Adoption Network Law Center Consultants & Newborn Adoptions

Many dream of having a child, and those who are unable to have children may opt to adopt one. Finding the right child to raise in your loving home is very important, and professionals like Adoption Network Law Center consultants can help couples find the right child. Consulting services that assist with newborn adoptions can be the first step to realize this goal.

Some families may choose to adopt children that come from troubled homes. While this is a noble act, they must ensure that they have the resources to deal with the issues of emotionally fragile children. Case in point: an article that was featured in The Telegraph shares the story of a mother named Rachel who was having trouble with her adopted son Tom. Tom came from an abusive home.

Prior to the adoption, the caretaker had informed Rachel and her husband of Tom’s emotional issues. At times, things got out of hand, and both Tom and his adoptive parents ended up needing the help of professional counselors. Families in similar situations can also turn to professional counselors to resolve their issues and allow emotional wounds to heal. Although difficult to do, there are ways to handle kids whose early lives were troubled.

Adoption means the child will be entering an entirely new world, away from the environment he has grown accustomed to. This poses some challenges, both for the new parents and the child. If adoptive parents dont think they are equipped to handle these challenges, they can choose to adopt a newborn. Adoption services like Adoption Network Law Center will gladly help them with this.

In this arrangement, the adjustment period will not be as hard on the child, if at all. A birth mother also has the option to meet the adoptive familythis way, she can ensure that her baby will grow up with the same beliefs and values she has if she prefers it that way. Even if she chooses to limit contact, the adoptive parents will still be evaluated via an adoption homestudy process that will be conducted in the state they live in.

Compassionate adoption services assist birth mothers who are dealing with unplanned pregnancies. Apart from exclusively recognizing pre-qualified families for the adoption process, these services can also provide assistance to birth mothers in terms of free housing and limited financial support (as permitted by state law).

Lawyer Website Marketing -A Need For Legal Firms

Lawyer website marketing helps a law firm to launch a better internet presence. It is vital for the law practitioners to list the services of some web marketing consultant who specializes in the promotional marketing for lawyers to assist them with their marketing efforts.

Every individual lawyer is in need of a distinct marketing plan. Single strategy cannot apply to all the lawyers. For example, a senior lawyer needs a different strategy to be applied in terms of lawyer website marketing, while a new lawyer who has just entered the legal business needs something else.

Every law firm is ought to be prepared for the new advertising components to be added to the lawyer website marketing plan. A legal representative can gain immensely through proper utilization of the techniques of content management so as to keep the content of his website fresh and interesting and such that it appeals to the client’s eye.

Lawyer website marketing must also have the interaction element incorporated in it. It should not just be a website but should also have some blog posts, forums, or some social media website or tool that the law firm can access. Moreover, the techniques used must clearly meet with the needs of a legal website. Internet presence depends largely on the abilities of the legal practitioner’s marketing capabilities to stay up to date in the field.Lawyer website marketing also relies on the advices given by experts specializing in advertising through various forms so as to remain current in the Search engine optimization results.

Improved internet presence also improves the brand awareness for a law firm. Legal firms should therefore make use of some services of the website design firms that specialize in lawyer website marketing to achieve the desired addressees.

Efficient internet marketing firms can help law practitioners to get a customized design for their brand. Several law firms may require different types of campaigning strategies for their publicity. The law firm must be able to design website marketing strategies which are not only successful, but are even receptive to the attorney’s wants and corporate goals.

Law of Attraction Tactics

Today, I’m going to discuss three tactics that you can start using today to invoke the Law of Attraction in your life. These three things are easy to do and won’t cost you a dime.

Positive Attitude

This one is pretty simple. Proponents of the Law of Attraction maintain that living in a perpetually positive state of mind will attract positive influences (some like to call them “vibrations”) in the world that will fuel positive changes in their lives. Whether these changes come in the form of circumstances that put you in a better, more successful place or opportunities that will bring success later in life, maintaining a positive attitude is going to help bring them about.

I like to think of this as mental preparation. Keeping up a positive attitude mentally prepares you to better handle things in life, as well as helping to align you for success.

Think about it: if you only focus on the negative, you’re never in the appropriate mindset necessary to appreciate the things you DO have in life – and you can’t use those things to move forward. For example, say you’re driving a junky car. You hate this car. Every time you hop into it in the morning to drive to work, you glare at it. It’s not pretty, it causes you problems, maybe it smells funny – whatever. You hate this car. But it’s the only care you have, and you can’t quite afford to get the better car you wish you had. During your morning commute, as you drive along the highway, you always notice all the nicer vehicles on the road. You see the guy in the tricked-out SUV, and you wish that was yours. By the time you get to work, you’re already in a foul mood and it shows.

So you have a crappy car.

So what?

Utilizing a positive attitude – your mental preparation – is useful in this instance. Rather than concentrating on how much you hate your ugly car, remind yourself that even if it’s ugly, it still gets you to work. In fact, you’re LUCKY to have a car at all. You don’t have to stand out in the rain, waiting for the bus. You don’t have to walk to work in the freezing cold of winter or the blazing heat of summer. Even if the car is a mess, at least it’s got climate control inside.

By appreciating your junk-mobile, even just a little, you are creating a more positive environment in your life – and maybe that positive environment will allow you to be in just a little better mood when you get to work in the morning, which will, in turn, allow you to perform better, which will eventually lead you to the raise that will allow you to buy your tricked-out SUV.

Or maybe not, but at least you’re not hating life at 7:30 AM every morning because your car smells funny. And that’s a positive in and of itself.


Proponents of the Secret/Law of Attraction are big on visualization. By visualizing yourself where you want to be in life, you will attract those “vibrations” necessary to get yourself to that place. Some Secret teachers even say to go one step further and utilize “holographic visualization,” which basically means that, along with mentally seeing yourself in a certain situation in life, you need to also emotionally put yourself there. You need to see these visions so clearly in your mind that it almost seems as if you are actually there.

Bar Council Of Delhi – Law Of The Land

If one had to simply define Law it could be said that it is a system of rules and guidelines which are imposed through social institutions to govern behavior, wherever possible. It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.

In short Law keeps the order in the society. Laws have been around since a long time. In India we have had laws since the time of the Vedas. In fact these scriptures are full of laws. Most rulers of India too had proper court proceedings to carry out the law of the land. In fact excellent secular court systems existed under the Mauryas (321-185 BCE) and the Mughals (16th 19th centuries) with the latter giving way to the current common law system. The current law system is regulated by the Bar council of India, it was established by Parliament under the Advocates Act, 1961. Every state has a State Bar Council which assists the Indian Bar Council. One of these State Bar Councils is the Bar Council of Delhi.

The Bar Council of Delhi is located in Siri Fort Road in Delhi, and is run under the strong management of Shri Nitin Ahlawat, the Secretary of the Delhi Bar Council. In accordance to the rules set by the Parliament under the Advocates Act of 1961, every law graduate has to be registered with the Indian Bar Council. The enrollment formalities are carried out by the state bar council. The Delhi Bar Council also enrolls many law graduates every year. Only if the law graduate is registered with the Delhi Bar Council or any other State Bar Council, is he/she considered to be an advocate. Only then can he or she practice law in any court of the country. Recently, the All India Bar Examination was started by the Government to test all law graduates.

The graduate is entitled to practice law in the country only if he passes this examination. The Delhi Bar Council also conducts All India Bar Examinations and also registers graduates for the same. Bar Association of Delhi offers legal services to the people. If you have a dispute you want settled you can approach a lawyer at the Delhi Bar Council. Most of these lawyers have their own special areas of expertise and you can choose one which best suits your case. The Bar Association of Delhi also contributes largely in maintaining law and order within the country. If not for these law institutes our country would have been in utter chaos.

Protect Your Legal rights as an Employee Through the Help of Employment Lawyers NYC

The employee should have an excellent working bond with their employer regardless of the nature of their work. Both parties should benefit and grow in this relationship. Salary is provided to the employees in return for their time, know-how, and abilities while the employer receives the return of investment. This sounds great. Nonetheless, but this isn’t the situation in all workplaces./p>

If the labor law or employment law is implemented appropriately by both employee and the employer then work issues won’t possibly happen. Many people might end up breaking some work laws without realizing it since these laws are quite complicated. This is the main reason why troubles in workplaces happen. In times like this, the assistance of an expert and proficient new york employment attorney is crucial.

There are different factors why work problems are occurring. This is due to the fact that personnel are not all alike. They have different thoughts and religious beliefs as well as personality and characteristics. Problems at work are more likely to take place when the employer harasses his employee or perhaps, fails to pay him according to what is specified on in the contract. Whatever work-related concerns would that be, they could be handled by employment attorneys successfully.

Main Reasons Why It is Important to Get Employment Lawyer NYC

Wrongful termination and unjust payments are the most common work-related issues that result in litigation. Accident of personnel due to dangerous work practices and sexual harassment need to undergo legal process as well. There are also many workers who have filed complaints to the court as their retirement plans and benefits are not given to them. Engaging in a legal battle requires a tremendous amount of time, money, and determination. With the assistance and representation of reputable employment attorneys nyc, workers can conquer this challenge easily.

Making certain that their clientele understand their rights is part of their responsibilities. Clearly, they know what legal action to have depending on their clients’ case. The attorney will attempt to mediate between the employer and staff if the dispute is still negotiable. However, if the issue is serious, then they will represent the employee during court hearings.

Employment attorneys who work for employees always make sure the odds will be on their favor. They will carefully evaluate documents and contracts in order to finding any glitch that could assist strengthen the case. Then again, employment attorneys who work for employers/company owners adopt an approach called -preventive lawyering’. This is a method in making firm policies that are in accordance to local and federal/state employment laws and regulations.

When conflicts on employment related problems occurs, litigation is not always the ideal solution, a fact that professional employment attorneys is aware of. Considering that filing a lawsuit is laborious, these professionals find other ways to deal with it in a different way. A person’s career, life, and name are at stake when engaging in litigations that’s the reason why they have to consider their option carefully.

The written and oral communication skill of an nyc employment attorney should be excellent. It is also best to ensure that the legal professional is specializing in employment laws, and has stayed abreast with any changes in the law. The very best lawyers are sensitive to the needs of their clientele, despite being analytical in their approach. Only with these qualities will he win the case.

When you wish to get started at tackling the issues regarding Employment Lawyer, then you should go at your own pace where you’re most comfortable with. Hastening results in a poor circumstance as you’ll often find yourself missing over particulars which are important. What you need to do is to work on it consistently and you’ll realize how advantageous this way is. For clear explanation for Employment Lawyer Nyc, just search through

Copyright Law In India

Copyright is the exclusive right to publish and circulate any artistic, literary, musical works etc. granted to an author of a work for a limited duration. Copyright law in India ensures that copyright subsists in original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, cinematograph films, sound recordings and computer software. Copyright exists at the time of creation of the work but registration, as per the copyright law in India, provides prima facie evidence of validity in Law Courts.
In accord with the Copyright Law in India, a copyright may be registered as per the procedure set out in Chapter VI of the copyright Rules 1958. An application for registration of a copyright is to be made in Form IV which must include a Statement of Particulars and Statement of Further Particulars. The applicant for registration of a copyright must give notice of his application to every person who has any interest in the subject matter of the copyright or disputes the rights in the applicant.
Each work must be protected separately and separate applications are to be filed for the registration of each work. The requisite fee will also have to be paid, as prescribed in the schedule, at the time of submitting the application. The copyright law in India also requires a duly executed power of attorney to be filed along with the application. In case of a published work, three copies of the work are to be filed with the application.
Copyright Law in India provides protection for foreign works in India so long as the work is originally from any country listed in the International Copyright Order. To secure cross border protection in Copyright India has become a member of several International Conventions such as:
1. Berne Convention for protection of literary and artistic works
2. Universal Copyright Convention
3. Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
4. Multilateral Convention for the avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties.

Copyright law in India provides for assignment and licencing of copyright in India. An author of a work may transfer his ownership rights in a copyright through an assignment deed. As per the copyright law in India no assignment is valid unless it is reduced in writing and is in the form of an assignment deed. A licence too must be reduced in writing and signed by the owner of a copyright or his duly authorized agent. For more details please log on to

Sample Law School Personal Statements Getting into W&M Law, Cornell Law, and Columbia Law

W&M (William & Mary) Law School in Virginia, Cornell Law School, and Columbia Law School in New York are institutions that have been well known to provide top-notch education in jurisprudence for future law practitioners. Many legislators and law practitioners have prided themselves in having their education from these schools, especially Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who studied both in Cornell and Columbia. If you want to apply for these schools, here is a primer on the eligibility, application process, and the requirements that you need to pass.


W&M Law has three programs offered. For those who want to apply for the JD program, a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university is required. For those who want to get into joint degree programs, a minimum requirement of a bachelors degree is also required. Those who want to get into the Ll.M program or those who want to expand their knowledge of American jurisprudence can then do so even if they have obtained their legal training outside of the US so long as TOEFL score requirements are met.

Cornell Law requires applicants to at least have earned a bachelors degree from a four-year course. Although graduate school grades and standing will not feature in the rankings, these may be reviewed by the panel. Foreign students need to submit their school transcripts through the LSAC J.D. Credential Assembly Service (CAS).

Columbia Law is a little bit more discriminating as it requires applicants to have had a bachelors degree in law. A bachelors degree in any other field, despite being followed by a Masters in Law, will still not suffice for eligibility. Those who have earned their law degrees through correspondence or in foreign law schools are also not accepted into Columbia Law.

Application process

The application process for W&M Law is as follows:

1) Complete an application form via the LSDAS Electronic application or through the schools website. 2) Submit an application fee. 3) Send your academic transcripts and letters of recommendations. 4) Send your essays and a TOEFL score if applicable.

For Cornell Law:

1) Submit a completed application form through the website or through LSAC. 2) Pass two letters of recommendations, a personal statement essay, and an optional diversity essay. 3) Submit an application fee.

To get into Columbia Law:

1) Pass a completed application via the GLS Online Application. 2) Pay the application fee. 3) Submit your TOEFL, if applicable. 4) Pass personal statement essays, a resume, academic transcripts and diplomas, and letters of recommendation.

Writing the personal statement

All three schools require the applicant to submit a personal statement. Cornell suggests writing the personal statement on a topic about yourself, which can be discussed further during the interview. You can write about intellectual or personal interests and achievements, your goals and dreams or any project that you take pride in. A personal statements length is preferably up to two pages, double-spaced, and in a font and size that is easy on the eyes.

Sample law school personal statements can serve as guides for the format and content. Many sample law school personal statements online were done by authors who made it prestigious law schools.